Setup Tor on your Kali linux 2.0 ~ Tech Hacks

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Setup Tor on your Kali linux 2.0

Setting up Tor

       When working with Kali Linux you may need to hide the traffic, force it to come from a different country or just need some privacy then we can install “Tor“. This can be installed using the following command.
1apt-get install tor
Once this is installed successfully we now need to download the “Tor” client from the following link:
We then need to extract the downloaded file using the following command, change the directory to the newly created “tor-browser_en_US” folder and then run the “./start-tor-browser
1tar xf tor-browser-linux64-4.0.2_en-US.tar.xz
If you get an error about running as root then you need to make a change to the “start-tor-browser” file. Open the file in “leafpad“., and comment out the section listed below.
1leafpad start-tor-browser
This should now launch as expected, however if you then get an error like this, you need to run the following command within the “tor-browser_en_US

1chown -R root /root/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor
Once done this should now load as expected.



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